15 Movies That Made 2016 The Dumbest Year Ever

9. Independence Day: Resurgence

Batman V Superman MARTHA
20th Century Fox

It's impossible to talk about dumb movies without mentioning Roland Emmerich's belated follow-up to the 1996 cheese action classic.

Though Jeff Goldblum is great as usual and some of the action is both fun and visually gorgeous, the movie is so braindead it makes the original seem decidedly more nuanced by comparison.

Resurgence is a sequel thrown together with only minimal effort, basically rehashing the original movie to diminished returns in every sense of the word. Remember Bill Pullman's awesome speech from the first film? Yep, the same moment plays out again but as though Pullman was asked to improvise the speech this time, probably on a Friday afternoon when everyone wanted to be anywhere else.

Throw in some cringe-worthy pandering to the Chinese market and an hilariously on-the-nose sequel set-up (which, given the underwhelming box office, may not even happen), and you have a recipe for one of the year's most idiotic movies.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.