15 Movies You Wrongly Assume Are Terrible

10. John Carter

What Everyone Says About It: "It's a dull blockbuster misfire with no imagination and a snoozy lead performance from Taylor Kitsch, better known as Box Office Poison. Too much cheese, and not enough interest in terms of characters and plot." Why It Isn't Terrible: If you embrace it on its own terms, as an adaptation of an eccentric 1917 pulp novel, John Carter is one of the weirdest blockbuster films to ever get a green light. Yes, it doesn't live up to its evident attempt to ape Avatar, but Kitsch is hardly as bad as people say (a victim of bad marketing more than anything), the visuals crackle, and it's a film that many who were merely indifferent about like to dump on simply because it was an ambitious failure at the box office. It's the sort of film that's begging for a resurgence in the coming years, and whether or not that happens, it's decidedly more entertaining than its financial takings would suggest. An epic, sweeping love letter to classic adventure stories, (mostly) faithfully bringing Edgar Rice Burroughs' story to the screen.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.