15 Original Upcoming Movies Which Might Save Hollywood

2. Green Room

Release Date: TBA 2015 What It's About: A young punk band finds themselves on the run from a gang of Neo-nazis thirsty for their blood after the band witnesses the skinheads murder a woman in a club. At the behest of brutal Nazi leader Darcy (Patrick Stewart), no witnesses can be left alive. Why It Can Save Hollywood: Green Room premiered at this year's Cannes Film Festival to rave reviews, though that's not terribly surprising considering it's Jeremy Saulnier's follow-up to his electrifying 2013 thriller Blue Ruin, which tore up the festival circuit. While even Green Room's biggest supporters will agree that the premise doesn't mark a major step forward for Saulnier as a director (it's pure exploitation fare), he does a fantastic job wringing stomach-knotting tension and gut-busting gallows humour out of the deeply disturbing scenario. Patrick Stewart has earned considerable praise for playing against-type as a villain, and for those prepared to settle in for some thoroughly unpleasant violence, there's unlikely to be few better thrillers this year. Hopefully Stewart's presence will help the film do better business than Blue Ruin and shoot Saulnier to well-deserved stardom.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.