15 Pointless Movie Sequels That Just Copied The Original

15. The Final Destination

The Original: The 2000 classic horror flick sees Death itself hunting down a gang of hapless teenagers after they quit their flight seconds before it explodes. The second movie in 2002 introduced some new ideas so as not to feel like a complete retread, as did the third film, even if neither of them were especially great. The fifth film also revitalised the series with a new "kill or be killed" gimmick. The Sequel: The runt of the litter and almost universally regarded as the worst of the series, the fourth film, The Final Destination even copies the title of the original movie, just throwing "The" in front for good measure. Aside from introducing a lame 3D gimmick (which it incessantly references throughout the third act), this is every cliché from the previous three movies combined into a rote laundry list. There's a big accident, the kids spend far too long figuring out Death is after them, they all start to die, there's a big set-piece at the end that a few of the kids survive, but surprise (or not), Death tricked them and still finally wins at the end. Without the slight creativity of even the previous two movies, this is pure laziness.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.