6. Ant-Man Will Be Delayed To November 2015 & Still Fail Horribly
One of the more unfortunate blockbuster productions at the moment is Marvel's Ant-Man, which began to suffer issues when writer-director Edgar Wright quit the project in May over creative differences. A whole two weeks went by with the director's chair being empty, as a number of rumoured directors turned the gig down, and it finally went to Yes Man director Peyton Reed, which itself caused a stir of disappointment online. One small glimmer of hope is Anchorman writer-director Adam McKay stepping in to tidy up the script, even if we'd feel better about the movie if he was directing it. Even if Marvel Godfather Kevin Feige insists that much of Wright's script will remain, the tighter-than-tight production schedule does not spell good things: with a July 17th release date planned and shooting not having started yet, Reed will need to be on his A-game to bring Ant-Man in on time with a quality product to boot. Considering the lack of a firm start date announced yet (though Feige believes it will be next month), it would surprise absolutely nobody if its release gets pushed to November of next year. Sadly, though, we're still expecting a bit of a mess. Wright's instincts have proven strong in the past, so if he left, there was probably a good reason for it, unless McKay can somehow salvage it.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.