15 Predictions For 2015's Biggest Movies

8. Taken 3, Ted 2 & Terminator: Genesis Are All Bad Sequels That Still Print Money

What do Taken 3, Ted 2 and Terminator: Genesis (or merely Terminator, as it's apparently been renamed) all have in common? They're all sequels to hugely successful movies, but sequels that nobody really needs. The first Taken was an unexpected success that led to the diabolical Taken 2, and despite promises that the third film won't follow the same formula, we don't really expect anything more than a generic action flick that nevertheless makes massive bank. Ted, on the other hand, made an astonishing $549 million at the box office, making it the highest-grossing original R-rated movie in history, and despite the story being totally sewn up (pardon the pun), Seth MacFarlane no doubt couldn't resist the money to make a sequel. Still, we can't completely blame Universal: the low-budget of the original movie makes it a low-risk venture: even if it makes only half of what the first movie did, it'd still be a huge commercial success, though we're not exactly confident in MacFarlane's ability to deliver. Then there's Terminator: Genesis, which pleasantly appears to be revisiting classic moments from the franchise by way of time travel and boasts a decent director and solid cast (except for Jai Courtney, of course), but the franchise track record since T2 has been shaky at best. Even with Arnie returning to his iconic role, it's a struggle to get excited about a movie that we suspect will feel utterly perfunctory, and at its worst even ruin iconic moments from the two best movies. Still, it's Terminator, so it'll make money.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.