2. The Cameos

We here at WhatCulture towers enjoy a celebration of British-ness, as does Hot Fuzz which throughout gives us a sparkling array of British comics, actors and directors who dip their hands in to the film to add yet more humour and make everyone in the audience go Wow, I know ALL of these people. Be it Bill Bailey shirking expectation and actually being funny as the Police Desk Officer; Martin Freeman, Steve Coogan and Bill Nighy all appearing in the space of three minutes, making us laugh and then never appearing again; Cate Blanchett behind a mask playing Angels recent ex-girlfriend; and Oscar winning, Middle Earth destroyer and helicopter enthusiast Peter Jackson wearing a Santa suit and stabbing Angel in the hand. Each one is perfectly performed, expertly utilised and dont have the grand fanfare of some cameos that often deaden the brilliance of them. Even the bloke from the 118 adverts is moderately entertaining...I said moderately.