15 Star Trek Actors Who Died In 2019

5. Dick Miller (Vin)

Star Trek Deep Space Nine Dick Miller

Dick Miller was a character actor beyond any and all compare: a face so recognisable that he even had a documentary made about him called That Guy Dick Miller.

In his almost 65-year career, Miller acted in over 180 screen roles, most notably his show-stealing scenes in both Gremlins movies, his part as the gunshop owner in The Terminator, and his lead role in the Roger Corman 1959 comedy-horror classic A Bucket of Blood.

Miller made three appearances in Trek, first showing up as a newspaper vendor in The Next Generation's "The Big Goodbye," before returning for the Deep Space Nine two-parter "Past Tense," where he played Vin, a security guard who gets taken hostage.

The actor continued to take bit-part roles in his later years, before passing away of natural causes on January 30 at the age of 90.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.