15 Star Trek Actors Who Died In 2019

11. Michael J. Pollard (Jahn)

Star Trek Jahn

Legendary character actor and comedian Michael J. Pollard is best known for his role as C.W. Moss in 1967's Bonnie and Clyde, for which he received a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination.

The year prior, however, Pollard made an appearance on Star Trek in The Original Series' first season episode "Miri," playing Jahn, the teenage leader of the Onlies, a gang of feral children left to their own devices on the planet Earth Two after a virus kills their parents.

Pollard puts his natural cheekiness to good use as a pest to the Enterprise's landing team, and despite being 27 years of age while shooting the part, his baby-faced countenance just barely allowed him to pass as a teenager.

Pollard enjoyed three decades of consistent work in Hollywood post-Trek, and died of cardiac arrest on November 20 at the age of 80.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.