15 Stupid Harry Potter Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

8. A Sneaky Crew Member Cameo

Harry Potter Wounds
Warner Bros.

If you look closely enough at movies throughout the years, there are numerous instances of crew members showing up where they shouldn't be. Back in the early days of Hollywood blockbusters, it didn't seem to matter too much if a sound man wearing a vest and shorts appeared in Ancient Rome but these days audiences are sticklers for details.

One such instance comes courtesy of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' Duelling Club scene wherein the hapless Gilderoy Lockhart invites professor Snape to take part in his demonstration. No one can ever question the quality of the scene itself as it gives us glimpses of Lockhart's ineptitude, Snape's mastery of duelling and further expands on the Potter-Malfoy feud.

Annoyingly, after Malfoy is left on his backside, the camera pans to show some of the onlooking students and one rather mature looking head is visible to the left of shot. Either one of the Hogwarts students has started to suffer a receding hairline in their formative years or a member of the crew found themselves somewhere they shouldn't be and attempted to duck out of shot.

Happily, there aren't too many examples of crewmembers showing up where they shouldn't in the Harry Potter series but one is one too many.


Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.