15 Stupidest Movie Moments Of 2015

1. Running Away From A T-Rex In High Heels - Jurassic World

The Moment: Jurassic World's operations manager, Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard), spends the entire movie escaping from dinosaurs in high heels, no more absurdly than when she releases a T-Rex from its paddock at the very end of the movie and subsequently trots away from it in her six-inch heels. Why It's Stupid: Because wouldn't it make more sense to maybe change your shoes during some downtime, or just take the damn things off? Even bare feet is probably a safer prospect than running around in heels which would a) slow you down immensely when chased by a dinosaur and b) probably break off as you attempted to flee and cause you to trip over. It also opened up a can of worms regarding whether Claire's choice of footwear, or rather her refusal to remove them, was sexist or not. Whatever side you come down on, Universal missed out on another ripe marketing opportunity by not having Claire change into a pair of Nike trainers or something. It's one of the year's most-discussed and oft-parodied scenes and for good reason: it's head-smackingly stupid, and director Colin Trevorrow for some reason even focuses directly on the offending footwear in one shot (pictured above). Which 2015 movie moments did you find the most insultingly stupid? Shout them out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.