15 Terrible Upcoming Movie Moments We Already Know About

12. No Matthew McConaughey - Magic Mike XXL

The Moment: Not so much a single moment, but the fact that Matthew McConaughey, who played stripping boss Dallas in the previous movie to great acclaim, won't be returning for a sequel which sees Channing Tatum and most other principal cast members returning. Why It's Going To Suck: McConaughey's unstoppably charming character was one of the original movie's big highlights, so much so that he was even touted for Academy Award consideration by many quarters of the press. Nevertheless, he ended up with nominations from organisations as prestigious as the Broadcast Film Critics Association, Independent Spirit Awards and New York Film Critics Circle. As such, his electric presence is going to feel sorely missed throughout the sequel, and without any sign of him being replaced with another larger-than-life star, XXL might struggle to be as fun as its predecessor. ...And The Rest Of The Movie?: The first trailer looks entertaining enough, and while expectations will likely be low given how utterly perfunctory this sequel seems, if it's a fun time and delivers a little food-for-thought just as the first movie did, then it'll probably get a pass.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.