15 Things You Didn't Know About The Toy Story Movies

12. Sid Was Inspired By A Former Pixar Employee

Toy Story Tin Toy

Andy’s psychotic neighbor, Sid Phillips, was the main villain of the first Toy Story movie and horrified Woody and the gang with his apparent passion for dismembering toys.

The character of Sid was referred to as ‘Little Jack Nicholson’ during production and the Pixar team added a little reference to this in the film. The carpet in Sid’s house is almost identical to the one used in The Shining, which of course gave us one of Nicholson’s most memorable movie performances.

It would be easy to assume that the part of Sid was one created by the writing staff as an intimidating antagonist to the gang of toys that live in Andy’s room, but he is actually based on a real person that used to work for Pixar.

The story goes that the former employee used to enjoy dismantling toys and building his own unique creations with the mismatched parts, as Sid memorably did in the film.

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