15 Things You Didn't Know About The Toy Story Movies

11. Billy Crystal Turned Down The Role Of Buzz Lightyear

Toy Story Tin Toy
Columbia Pictures

For the voice of Woody, the director of Toy Story, John Lasseter, reportedly always had his heart set on Tom Hanks. As we all know, he got his wish, but finding the voice for Buzz Lightyear wasn’t quite so straight forward.

Prior to working with Pixar on Mosters, Inc., Billy Crystal turned down the opportunity to voice the iconic space ranger, a decision he admits to regretting.

"I hate that this comes up, It's the only regret I have in the business of something I passed on."

Crystal was one of many well-known names linked with the role of Buzz. Jim Carrey was one name shortlisted by Pixar, but the movie’s relatively low budget prevented them from working with him.

The financial restrictions meant that the film had to be made using just 110 members of staff, significantly smaller than the 800 members of staff that worked on The Lion King the year before.

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Freelance journalist and serial moaner, obsessed with the ludicrous world of professional wrestling.