15 Traumatising Moments From Children’s Movies That Scarred You For Life

11. Artax Dies In The Swamp Of Sadness - The NeverEnding Story

The NeverEnding Story is a confusing film to watch as a kid, with the dual narratives of the 'real' world and the story world intertwining. It also has its share of scary moments, not least of which is the presence of G'mork, a huge, evil wolf-like creature who pursues hero Atreyu across Fantasia. Even more traumatising than the bloody-mouthed wolf is the death of Artreyu's beloved horse companion Artax. A horse dying on screen is never pleasant, but the way Artax bows out is particularly hard to watch. Artreyu and Artax come to the swamp of sadness, a thick sludgy swamp that Atreyu must drag Artax across. The horse succumbs to the swamp of sadness just before they make it across and there's nothing Atreyu can do about it, as much as he cries out in anguish (and he really does cry out in anguish). Luckily for Atreyu, he soon encounters loveable dragon Falcor and has a new mode of transport, but the Artax death lingers long in the memory of the viewer. It is a surprisingly raw and emotional scene for a children's film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y688upqmRXo

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...