15 Traumatising Moments From Children’s Movies That Scarred You For Life

10. Rabbit Fight - Watership Down

The British Board Of Film Classification gave Martin Rosen and John Hubley's 1978 adaptation of Richard Adams' book Watership Down a 'U' rating when it released in cinemas. Their reasoning was that:
"Whilst the film may move children emotionally during the film's duration, it could not seriously trouble them once the spell of the story is broken and a 'U' certificate was therefore quite appropriate."
Quite appropriate? Watership Down has scenes of bloodshed in it that would put your average slasher film to shame. The directors deserve credit for sticking to the harsh reality of the violence of the novel, but the results meant that many reviewers had to forewarn parents before they took their children to see it. There are many traumatising aspects to Watership Down, but the fighting between the rabbits stand out as especially harsh and graphic. They really don't hold back when depicting conflict between what would, in any other kids film, be cute and cuddly bunnies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPBck3xcUJc

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...