15 Unforgettable Moments Which Made Guardians Of The Galaxy

2. The Guardians Unite

This is it, the culmination of all we've been working towards - Peter Quill joins hands with the remaining Guardians Of The Galaxy (at this point Groot is scattered across Xandar like kindling) and takes hold of the Infinity Stone. And suddenly we're inside a purple hurricane of untamed energy, surging through their bodies, ripping and thundering around our heroes as they face Ronan one last time. The power of the Infinity Stone tears into them, their skin crackling and peeling under the weight of this wild, primal force, and it's a great showing of strength when the four Guardians manage to withstand the storm and stand tall. It's also another clue that there is more to Star-Lord than meets the eye, since we know that not just anyone would be able to contain the power of the Stone.

Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.