15 Upcoming Horror Films You Should Be Excited About

12. Goodnight Mommy (September 11)


This Austrian horror film could be this year's Babadook, and some of the imagery in the trailer is already just downright horrifying. Apparently it's so violent and extreme, many audience members walked out when it premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival last fall. Oh boy.

The movie follows two twins whose mother comes home after getting cosmetic surgery and starts acting strange. Soon, the boys begin to doubt that this woman is actually their mother at all. Early reviews praise the film for its atmosphere and suspense, building a disturbing tone that just gets harder and harder to watch. That sounds pretty similar to why people liked The Babadook, although while that movie was restrained all throughout, here it seems like that subdued setup eventually makes way for an explosive, gruesome finale.

Still, for fans who can handle something quite brutal and disgusting, Goodnight Mommy will be hitting limited release this September. 

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Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.