15 Worst Characters In MCU Movies So Far

6. Dr. Yao Wu

Dr Wu Iron Man 3
Marvel Studios

There are two big reasons why Dr Wu is a poor character. The first is the fact that he starred in some universally hated Chinese-market-only additional material in Iron Man 3's alternative cut, which apparently stuck out horribly. That needlessly added footage - intended to fawn at Chinese audiences very cynically - was laughed out of the cinema by audiences.

Even in the Western version of the movie that cut his part to a few mere minutes, Wu also represents the most deplorable thing about Iron Man 3. He's a hilariously convenient Deus ex Machina who breaks the established rule that Tony Stark WILL 100% DIE if the arc reactor in his chest is removed.

Wu is dropped in as the only man on Earth capable of pulling off this impossible medical task, and frankly, it's just plain insulting.

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