15 Worst Characters In MCU Movies So Far

11. War Machine

Captain America Civil War Machine Rhodey

As with Happy Hogan, if you're Tony Stark's best friend, you probably have to accept that you're never going to get any higher than second billing. And given how much of the screen he takes up, it's not a great second billing at that - particularly when there's usually a couple of villains vying for attention as well.

When you're also a superhero yourself, that's particularly difficult, as Rhodey - AKA War Machine - finds out for most of his appearances. "Most" because he's actually okay in Iron Man 3 because Shane Black actually understood the dynamic between him and Tony Stark.

Everywhere else he's either a boring straight man to Stark or he's comic relief (as in the Avengers movies) where he's an insufferably show-off. Which makes it all the more troubling when we're supposed to really care when he almost dies in Captain America: Civil War.

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