15 Worst Characters In MCU Movies So Far

10. Dr Erik Selvig

Dr Selvig
Marvel Studios

After his introduction in Thor as a respected Earth scientist, Erik Selvig went downhill pretty rapidly. He became a pawn for Loki - which was interesting but created the huge plot-hole of Loki's inconsistent powers - and that led to the most distasteful characterisation in the MCU in Thor: The Dark World.

In the interest of some misguided comedy, Selvig's hangover from Loki's control was presented as a mental breakdown, which fundamentally poked fun at mental health issues. But the film-makers seemed to think that showing his bare backside would distract.

From there he was used as personified exposition to help Thor have his Ragnarok vision in Age Of Ultron and it seemed painfully obvious that nobody really knew what job to give him any more.

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Thor MCU
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