15 Worst Characters In MCU Movies So Far

9. Odin

Thor Ragnarok Odin Anthony Hopkins
Marvel Studios

In comics lore - and indeed Norse lore - Odin is supposed to be basically God. He's an all-powerful benevolent force, one of the universe's most powerful entities and a fearsome warrior. He's the real deal, in other words.

In the MCU, he's a grumpy old man who has to go for a nap when ever things get too much for him.

Good casting aside, Anthony Hopkins gets precious little to do as Odin, because he's the old guard who needs to be ousted for Thor's story to advance. He's presented as morally complex and slightly oafish (at least in his treatment of his children) with a hair-trigger temper - all of which appears to have been stolen from the cinematic interpretation of Dumbledore.

The only time he's any good in the Thor movies is when he's actually Loki in disguise, which gives Hopkins something fun to do for once. All other times, he's mostly just boring.

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Thor MCU
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