15 Worst Comic Book Movie Villains Of All Time

5. Doomsday - Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Doomsday Batman V Superman
Warner Bros.

In the comics, Doomsday was a force of nature - a terrifying creature who killed Superman and changed the course of comics history. In Batman v Superman, he was a Lord Of The Rings cavetroll with rocks glued onto him somehow evolved out of the rubber corpse of General Zod.

Sure, he killed Superman in the end, but the wordless bruiser was just another movie monster, brought to life because the plot demanded it. And his entire involvement in Dawn Of Justice smacked of Zack Snyder jumping the shark: forced to go bigger and darker than Man Of Steel (at least by his conviction to his own artistic vision), he prematurely turned to Doomsday, who deserved to be the figure head at the end of a trilogy, and not a glorified henchman to Lex Luthor.

He might have worked as the first thing, he definitely didn't as the second.


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