15 Worst Comic Book Movie Villains Of All Time

4. Deadpool - X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Wolverine Vs Deadpool X Men Origins
20th Century Fox

Played By: Ryan Reynolds

It's just about funny to look back on the abomination of the first attempt to bring Deadpool to the big screen now that we have the beloved R-Rated reboot that put him back on the right track. But for a long time, there was nothing positive to be said about what Gavin Hood did to the character.

It started off well with the casting of Ryan Reynolds, who might have seen several other comic book movies tank around him, but who had the right blend of charisma and annoying capacity for motor-mouth that would really bring Deadpool to life.

The mutation story-line - which saw his mouth sewn up as a great big f*ck you to the fans - was abysmal, and it's no wonder Reynolds was so uncomfortable with it.


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