15 Worst Comic Book Movie Villains Of All Time

2. Steppenwolf - Justice League

Justice League Steppenwolf
Warner Bros.

Played By: Ciaran Hinds

What could possibly have possessed Warner Bros and Zack Snyder to go out and cast Ciaran Hinds and then render his performance entirely redundant by making Steppenwolf a wholly CGI character?

The technology might be impressive but it still cannot convincingly render entire bodies without making them look like they've come out of video games, and there's absolutely no excuse for any character in a $300m movie to look this bad. Particularly when the comic book version was absolutely fine looking like a normal man in ostentatious battlewear. What exactly would have been wrong with that?

From the get-go, Steppenwolf was hamstrung by not being Darkseid, and he would have had to do a lot to convince that he deserved his billing as the villain deemed a big enough threat to "unite the seven(ish)".

Given that they'd literally JUST had a fully CGI villain who turned out to be terrible, you'd think they might have learned something...


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.