15 Worst Months To Go To The Movies Since The Year 2000

7. September 2001

Number Of Movies Released: 10 Rotten Tomatoes Average: 39% Number of Movies Receiving Lower Than 40%: 6 September 2001 was another bad movie month. Looking back, you can see that history has not been very kind to these movies either. These weren't under-appreciated gems - they were all rightfully panned by critics across the board. There was Glitter, which starred Mariah Carey and pretty much destroyed any chance she had at a movie career (although director Lee Daniels revived it when he cast her in Precious back in 2009). Glitter actually has some strange similarities with the movie Rock Star, which also came out that month. Rock Star was lead by Mark Wahlberg and Jennifer Aniston and while it had slightly better reviews, it was as big of a box office bomb as Glitter. The only memorable thing about Rock Star was Timothy Olyphant's performance, who looked like he had some fun with his role as Rob Malcolm, the lead guitarist of Mark Wahlberg's character's band. Interestingly enough, despite its silliness, Ben Stiller's Zoolander was far and away the best movie released that month and is a movie people still quote from to this day. Too bad it doesn't make up for the rest of the month being so terrible.
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Ken writes movie reviews on his blog, kenoncinema.blogspot.com. He currently resides in New York City. Twitter: @keng324