15 Worst Movies Of 2015 (So Far)

13. Survivor

Worst Films Of 2015 So Far

Rotten Tomatoes: 3%

There's something curiously antiquated about Survivor, which perhaps explains why anyone thought it was a good idea to cast Pierce Brosnan as a sort of anti-Bond, a ruthless assassin with painfully little charisma.

Sadly for fans of Brosnan's fine work as 007, Survivor is a rat's nest of plot contrivances and over complexity  that marches relentlessly to a painfully obvious conclusion. If it was a crime to falsely represent the word "thriller", then this London terrorist twister would be banged up without parole.

Unfortunately, it's really not surprising to see Brosnan or Jovovich in this sort of fare - it's not even like it even counts as them slumming it anymore. The more pertinent issue is how Hollywood still thinks making sub-Bourne thrillers by the numbers could ever be a good idea.

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