15 Worst Superhero Movie Moments Since 2000
2. Suicide Squad: Enchantress Battle
Judging by the great marketing, Suicide Squad should've been awesome, but was instead a flaming dumpster fire that has... to be honest, conceivably the worst finale to a superhero film of all time; yet another beam in the sky superhero climax which felt hugely formulaic.
Not only is the finale poorly directed and lacking in weight, depth or pathos, but the antagonist at its centre is the poorly-rendered CGI monstrosity that is Enchantress, an embarrassingly over-the-top and woefully un-intimidating villain who's so dreadful she makes Vinnie Jones' Juggernaut look like Heath Ledger's Joker.
Suicide Squad is bad throughout, but this abominable finale and ghastly antagonist were what truly confirmed it as one of the worst superhero films of all time.