15 WTF Moments From King Kong Vs. Godzilla

4. Godzilla, Eat Your Vegetables

After Kong is rejuvenated by a perfectly timed electrical storm, he fights back against Godzilla with absolute ferocity, pushing him against the ropes so to speak. This is of course only temporary, but for a while Kong has the advantage. During this time Kong yanks out a tree and actually shoves it in Godzilla€™s mouth, creating one of the most memorable moments of the entire film. Godzilla is visibly displeased and manages to dislodge it by blasting it out with his atomic breath. The obvious reason why this moment stands out is because it€™s hilarious. It also has the added benefit of making logical sense, as it stands to reason that Kong would pull such a manoeuvre. So it€™s actually relative high point of the fight. So classic is this moment that it stands to reason that it may even be recreated in some fashion in the upcoming film.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.