15 WTF Moments From Mad Max: Fury Road

13. The Biker Attack

After Max catches up to Furiosa and the two agree to reluctantly team up to push on away from Joe, they enter biker gang territory, where Furiosa has made a deal for safe passage. When the bikers realise that Joe is in pursuit and that Furiosa is stowing human cargo in her Rig, a fight breaks out, with the biker gang giving chase in a brief but spectacular sequence. The bikers leap over hills in pursuit of the Rig, catching up to it and attempting to throw grenades at and into it. What's so WTF about the scene is that 95% of it is so clearly practical stunt-work, the sort that most thought movie studios would never allow to happen these days. The flight of the bikes and the unforgiving crashing is almost entirely real, and it's a testament to the borderline-suicidal stunt team that they pulled it off so convincingly. Surely this is all the proof needed that there should be a Best Stunt Team Oscar by now?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.