16 Actors Confirmed For Star Wars Episode IX

5. Billie Lourd - Kaydel Ko Connix

star wars connix

Easy to overlook through name alone, go back and watch Episode's VII and VIII, and you'll pick up on Lourd's presence throughout.

As Carrie Fisher's daughter, she brought a lot of goodwill and heart to scenes where she pairs up with Fisher herself, and it's with Lourd's blessing that Lucasfilm have been able to use footage of Fisher for her posthumous role.

For Connix, she helped partake in Poe's fight against Admiral Holdo, only to be thwarted when Leia resumed control. She can be seen as part of the rebel crew aboard the Falcon in The Last Jedi's final moments, and with any luck she'll be given an even bigger role in Episode IX.

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