16 Actors Confirmed For Star Wars Episode IX

13. Mark Hamill - Luke Skywalker

Mark Hamill As Luke Skywalker In The Last Jedi

Yup, even though we watched Luke give himself over to the Force at the end of The Last Jedi, Mark Hamill is firmly on the cast list for Episode IX.

It's a strange choice given the last major Force ghost, Yoda, was a welcome surprise cameo in Episode VIII, but this is likely because Disney want fans to know they're putting their best foot forward.

We also know from Yoda's scene that Force ghosts can manipulate the real world, as he produced a lightning bolt that burned the sacred Jedi tree to the ground.

How much Luke has explored or mastered these powers is up for debate, but at least The Last Jedi closed out with a more positively-minded, authentic Luke than can better represent his older self in these newer films.

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