16 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy The X-Men Franchise

16. Wolverine Will Eventually Be Recast

Hugh Jackman is without question the lynchpin of the X-Men series, from his relatively scrawny appearance in the first movie to his absolutely jacked physique in the last few films. His casting was absolutely a risk at the time of the film's release (with many sites questioning why Fox would cast an untested virtual unknown), but of course, the grizzled Aussie proved all of his doubters wrong, and has since become the reliable staple of the series. Sadly, though, audiences will have to face facts sooner rather than later: though Jackman looks amazing for his 46 years, he is eventually going to age out of the role. Within the next decade, Wolverine will likely need to be recast, so it's advisable that Fox get the most out of him while they can, with X-Men: Apocalypse shooting for a 2016 release and a third Wolverine movie following shortly thereafter. While it's impossible to imagine any actor filling Jackman's shoes, hopefully he will bow out gracefully rather than pulling a Roger Moore and being laughably, inappropriately aged for the part. It's sad because he's so perfectly cast, but worth preparing yourselves for as well.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.