16 Great Recent Movies The Oscars Outrageously Snubbed

9. Shame

Drive Ryan Gosling
Fox Searchlight

Nominated For:

No awards at all. For shame!

Michael Fassbender gave one of his very best performances (That's really, really saying something) as a sex addict in a downward spiral. His performance is so subtle, so mature and so rich and heart-breaking that frankly it should have won the Best Actor Oscar. However, one absolutely mustn't forget the ever-excellent Carey Mulligan, who also does great work as the main character's sister. Yet despite being so great, neither were nominated.

Shame is difficult viewing and its raw, painful approach might have put the Academy voters off, but given how many other dark films they've awarded over the years, that doesn't really fit. The most logical explanation is that they just idiotically ignored Shame.

Although it suffers a little from its minimal story, Shame is on the whole a gripping and painfully powerful drama, with director Steve McQueen and his cast at the top of their game. There was definitely room for Shame at the 2012 ceremony (There's that year yet again!). Jean Dujardin was good in The Artist, but he can't compare to Michael Fassbender. Carey Mulligan deserved an Oscar nomination as well, as did Shame's direction and cinematography.

There's simply no working this one out.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.