16 Intriguing Indie Films To Watch Out For In Spring 2014

5. Joe

Plot: "An ex-con, who is the unlikeliest of role models, meets a 15-year-old boy and is faced with the choice of redemption or ruin." - IMDb There are two striking things about this movie: Nicolas Cage's beard looks extremely fierce; and secondly, the plot is heavily reminiscent of Mud. I immediately think of Mud when I see the trailer because the kid actor, Tye Sheridan, appears in both movies. Beyond the central relationship though, the plots to Joe and Mud appear to have some significant differences. Either way, Mud was a great movie and, from the looks of the trailer, Joe looks very promising as well. Reviews out of last year's Venice Film Festival seems to indicate that much, and most importantly, you don't want to miss Nicolas Cage's awesome beard.

US release date: April 11th


Ken writes movie reviews on his blog, kenoncinema.blogspot.com. He currently resides in New York City. Twitter: @keng324