16 Movie Characters Who Were Killed For Being Clichés

8. Carlito - Carlito's Way

The Cliche: "Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in." Carlito is basically the movie world's version of the serial killer who gets picked up on a traffic violation, if that serial killer was repentant and had vowed that he definitely wasn't going to kill any more drifters. Carlito makes two decisions that turn him into a cliche: first he doesn't execute Benny, the young upcoming ruthless gangster who wants to surpass him, and then he attempts to turn his back on the business and run away. There's a reason the list of gangsters who made a clean break in movies is short; other than Goodfellas' Henry Hill, most reformed gangsters, or those with aspirations to go legit end up in the morgue, which is precisely where Carlito ends up when the young upstart Benny catches up with him.

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