16 Movie Characters Who Were Killed For Being Clichés

9. Richard Parker - The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Cliche: Also being Uncle Ben, basically. Marc Webb's Amazing Spider-Man franchise impressively managed to play the Uncle Ben card twice, choosing to reboot the moral centre of the new Peter Parker's life because having one motivation for crime fighting clearly wasn't enough, and nobody could come to the conclusion that Oscorp was bad on their own without the suspiciously Dark Knight Rises like plane crash sequence. RIchard Parker takes Uncle Ben's position as the unseen influence shaping Peter's formative superhero years, completely superseding one of the most important aspects in Spider-Man's hero genes in a way that will probably come back to haunt Webb's franchise, given how much of the soul it has taken away. And because of the switcheroo, RIchard Parker always had to die - he represented a moral position.

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