16 Movie Characters Who Were Killed For Being Clichés

7. Gennaro - Jurassic Park

The Cliche: Being a loathsome, snivelling corporate advocate, or in Hammond's own words "the blood-sucking lawyer." And he was supposed to be on his side. Gennaro - the first real victim of Jurassic Park's worryingly lax fail-safe security measures - is set up to die the minute he is introduced as a money-hungry, smarmy lawyer who sees only profit and potential to exploit in the manipulation of nature. He is the anti-thesis of both Dr Grant's fervent commitment to the natural order, and Dr Malcolm's snark-laden, I-told-you-so attitude that "anything can and will happen." As little more than a stooge working on behalf of InGen - the Shady Corporation behind the Park - Gennaro was never going to come out of the film alive, even if he is basically an ass-kicking hero in the novel who helps take down a T-Rex, because audiences assume that corporate (with a side of lawyer and health and safety jobsworth thrown in) means bad.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.