16 Movie Characters Who Were Killed For Being Clichés

6. Boris Grishenko - Goldeneye

The Cliche: The Premature Celebrator. Anyone who proclaims anything as dumb as "nothing can stop us now," or even makes a slight movement to ask what could possibly go wrong with the seemingly iron-clad plan will invariably be the first one to die when everything goes wrong, or that thing that is going to stop them appears. Boris Grishenko is a special kind of emboldened cliche, whose catchphrase "I am invincible" is met almost immediately with the dramatically ironic death that disproves his claim. He belongs on the same plane as every other cocky character who doesn't see the painfully inevitable doom just over their shoulder, and thanks to the definitive nature of his catch-phrase, he should be leading them all into the after-life like an overly-arrogant Pied Piper.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.