16 Movie Characters Who Were Killed For Being Clichés

5. Al Simmons - Spawn

The Cliche: Just one last mission... There's a good chance you haven't ever felt inclined to watch Spawn; the 1997 Hellish comic book movie was a mess, despite some very good individual points (like John Leguizamo's viscerally affecting Violator performance) and a lot of negative sentiments have been aimed at it in the decade plus since its release. But as crimes against the genre go, it is only slight, and it is redeemed by comparative atrocities like Batman & Robin. At the centre of the plot is another Dead Man Walking character, though Al Simmons is more of a contradiction than any other character on this list - a principled assassin working for a corrupt agency who ends up getting wiped out on the eve of his retirement. He's the shining beacon of goodness (as much as a doomed assassin can get), which marks him out immediately, and then it turns out that he's about to retire to start a family. Can you say Dead Meat?

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.