16 Movie Characters Who Were Killed For Being Clichés

4. Millburn - Prometheus

The Cliche: He's a highly-trained expert who suddenly becomes an idiot. Action and horror films are full of the kind of experts who really shouldn't be allowed anywhere near their chosen field of work, because being a stickler for rules never got anyone hot under the collar, nor lead to a single elevated pulse. Indiana Jones wouldn't have endured for four films if he'd chosen not to ignore every traditional rule of archeology and not smashed millions of dollars worth of important artefacts, and Jurassic Park would have worked out fine if the scientists, safety team and tech support weren't all uncharacteristically terrible at their jobs when it really mattered. Millburn from Prometheus - a supposedly trained, knowledgable biologist - suffers from the same mental disease that most "experts" in bad situations suffer: the complete loss of all logic and experiential knowledge in favour of irrational, impassioned gut reactions. Which is precisely why his first instinct when faced with a creepy looking snake alien is to pet it. He probably deserved what inevitably came next.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.