16 Movie Characters Who Were Killed For Being Clichés

3. Russell Franklin - Deep Blue Sea

The Cliche: Affirmative action in a monster movie. From someone who you might suspect would be useful in the situation. On the other end of the "expert" scale to Millburn is the genuinely helpful sage whose survival in any hazardous situation would probably ease the adversity in such a way that would be horribly reductive to the dramatic tension quota. So sadly, it's pretty likely that if you come equipped with a useful set of skills, and you're not top billed, you're little more than an expendable walking cliche. Deep Blue Sea's Franklin fits the bill along with Muldoon from Jurassic Park and Quint from Jaws: all three could probably provide a quick solution, if they weren't all ceremoniously and symbolically ripped to pieces. There's no place in drama for pragmatism, which is exactly why Franklin is eaten precisely as he's delivering an empassioned speech on how the group must work together to survive.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.