16 Movie Characters Who Were Killed For Being Clichés

11. Lt Hawk - Star Trek: First Contact

The Cliche: Being the new guy, with a promising future ahead of him. Unless you're Picard, or Riker, or Data (though not always) or one of their best friends, and you suddenly appear in one of the important positions on the bridge of the Enterprise, or are entrusted with joining an important away team, you might as well just accept that you're already dead. Neal McDonough might be impossibly good looking (it's those dazzling eyes), but the minute he sat in that helmsman's chair, the conns officer was always going to be just another number in the Enterprise's frankly awful record for looking after lower level officers. Why is Hawk - basically a pilot - brought along with Picard and Worf to thwart the Borg? Wasn't that decision monumentally idiotic in the first place?

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.