16 Movie Characters Who Were Killed For Being Clichés

10. Uncle Ben - Spider-Man/ The Amazing Spider-Man

The Cliche: Being Uncle Ben. If anyone is a personified morality lesson, constantly perched, Jiminy Cricket-like on the shoulder of heroic characters who might at any time take their eye off the ball, because they simply cannot conceive of the possible results, Uncle Ben is. Ben is more than Peter Parker's father figure in the Spider-Man franchises, which might have been enough to do him in on its own, given the superhero movie's penchant for killing parent figures, he's also the moral epicentre of Spidey's world, just like Pa Kent is for Man Of Steel's Clark Kent. He is the barometer against which all actions must be measured: when Spidey is thinking about misbehaving in some inconsequential way, he consults the mantra etched behind his eyes - "what would Ben do?" And because no character who represents something so precious - Yoda, Ben Kenobi, Pa Kent, Captain Miller in Saving Private Ryan - can ever be as useful until they die for the very cause they expouse, Uncle Ben was always going to die even before he tried to be all brave and stop his car getting jacked.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.