16 Pirates Of The Caribbean Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

4. The Real Pirates

Pirates Of The Caribbean Easter Eggs

Inevitably, the films are full of references to real life pirates, beyond just Blackbeard, Jack Ward and Red Beard.

There was genuinely a pirate council - though called The Brethren of the Coast - who legitimately did have a base on Tortuga and the films' Pirate Code, written by "Morgan and Bartholomew" is in homage to notorious pirates Henry Morgan and Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts. 

Additionally, Mistress Ching is probably based on Ching Yih Saou scourge of the South China Sea in the early 1800s, and even Will Turner could have been named for Captain William Thomas Turner, Captain of the RMS Lusitania.

Other real-life pirate references include the pirate fleet's flags in At World's End, which are all based on real pirates, and there's a nod to Blackbeard's real death, which saw him beheaded and his head mounted on the front of his own ship.


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