17 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy The Fast & Furious Franchise

3. Letty's Revival Is Totally Lame (Fast & Furious 6)

In a move pulled straight out of a crappy daytime soap opera, Michelle Rodriguez agreed to return for Fast and Furious 6, and so it was decided that Letty would be written back into the franchise, beginning with a post-credit stinger in Fast Five teasing that she somehow survived her assassination attempt. It transpires that she simply ended up hospitalised by the explosion, suffering from amnesia as a result. When Owen Shaw (Luke Evans) went to the hospital to kill her, he instead recruited her into his team, deeming her no threat due to her memory loss. Yeah, hiring someone who has recently suffered a traumatic brain injury sure is a great idea, huh, Shaw? There's no way they might regain their memories and turn on you? That's exactly what happens, unsurprisingly, and though it was great to see Letty back after being rather poorly written out in the fourth film, did it have to be through such absurdly lame means? Amnesia!? With all of the physics-defying stuff in this movie, nothing was quite as ridiculous as this crappy subplot.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.