17 Moments That Will Define Upcoming MCU Movies

13. Spider-Man FInds His (New) Feet - Avengers: Infinity War

Spider-Man Avengers Infinity War
Marvel Studios

As has already been revealed by the marketing and the trailer, Spider-Man is getting a new suit for Infinity War. And not just any suit, either: at some point during the first half of the movie, he's going to get his hands on the Iron Spider suit that was offered to him at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming.

That's a big deal in itself, as it means we all get to appreciate a shiny new Spidey suit, but the most exciting element here is the inclusion of the mechanical spider arms - otherwise known as waldoes - that were added in the CIvil War comic book event by Tony Stark and which give Spider-Man added powers and reach.

Given how he reacted to some of the augmentations in Homecoming, it's going to be amazing to see Peter deal with these new toys - and how he'll use them in the fight against Thanos.


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