17 Most Spooktacular Moments From Michael Jackson's Thriller

7. The Sassy “Hey, We See You” Zombies

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This is far and away my favorite part of the whole video. Right in the middle of the dance, the action cuts away to four zombies dramatically turning their heads to look directly into the camera.

Were these zombies participating in the dance, when they suddenly noticed some passerby happening upon the scene? Or maybe these four weren’t very light on their feet, so they were chosen to stand guard while the dance was happening, in case any delicious brain-having pedestrians came a-rustling by.

Either way, they are sassy as all hell.


David Bailey is a creative advertising professional who moonlights as a Private Investigative Journalist. He currently resides in Los Angeles and enjoys receiving haircuts and eating sandwiches. You may find him on twitter @TheRingaDingKid.