17 Most Spooktacular Moments From Michael Jackson's Thriller

13. Michael Watching Michael

Michael Jackson Thriller
Epic Records

The film takes a 90 degree turn when we find out that Michael and Michael’s Girl are actually characters in a movie that another Michael and Michael’s Girl are watching. There are many things to say about this revelation. For instance, are the Michael and Michael’s Girl in the movie theatre the actors in the movie? If not, when the movie started they must have been like “Wow, those actors look exactly like us.”

Maybe that’s why The Michael’s Girl in the theatre is so freaked out, because she's watching two doppelgängers of herself get (presumably) eaten by a Werecat doppelgänger of the guy next to her. I love how when she asks if they can leave, he immediately shuts her down and continues shoving popcorn in his mouth before she storms out.

It’s only after chasing after her that he realizes “Ohhhhh… you were scared.”


David Bailey is a creative advertising professional who moonlights as a Private Investigative Journalist. He currently resides in Los Angeles and enjoys receiving haircuts and eating sandwiches. You may find him on twitter @TheRingaDingKid.