17 Things You Didn't Know About Austin Powers

9. The Famous Dr. Evil Finger

Dr. Evil is most famous for his pinky-finger-to-the-mouth pose that is usually preformed during one of his evil monologues. Most people however do not realize the inspiration for the famous Dr. Evil finger. An episode of The Twilight Zone called Number 12 Looks Just Like You features a character that preforms a very similar maneuver. The story of the episode follows a society where humans are forced to undergo a transformation surgery that makes everyone look like a select few "models". The surgeon who is preforming the operation on the lead character Marilyn, Dr. Rex, is seen making a very similar finger pose throughout the episode. Although the Dr. Evil finger pose is slightly expanded on the inspiration for the signature finger is from this episode of the influential science fiction show.

Born in the forgettable year of 1993 in Manchester, England and haven't moved since. Culture lover, film buff, television fiend, sport freak, music mongol... I'm running out of silly ways to say this.